The Danish Church' Cross-Cultural Network in Odense
Folkekirkens Tværkulturelle Samarbejde (FTS) – The Danish Church´ Cross-Cultural Network in Odense.
The purpose of The Cross-Cultural Network is to work among asylum seekers, refugees and immigrants with the intention of furthering a popular and religious integration across ethnic and religious differences. The aim is realized at church services and through the different cross-cultural activities.
FTS was established in 1999 as a collaboration between parishes in Hjallese and Skt. Knuds Deaneries in Odense Municipality and has around 7,500 visitors every year.
An international church service is held at 6.p.m. the first Saturday of every month (except July) at the Cathedral. The language is mainly conducted in Danish but English is also spoken.
Service in English is held once a month at Graabrødre Klosterkirke.
Church activities as well as pastoral care are offered in English.